Our Mission
Why a queer-feminist midwifery* collective?
By naming ourselves queer-feminist midwifery* collective we want to signal our intent to integrate our personal and professional values. We want to provide good, individualized care to all families. We work towards centering our practice in intersectionality, sex and body positivity, social and racial justice and queer-feminism. We learn from and with our clients how best to do this.
Wanting to hold space for and support (non-hierarchical) informed decision making, especially for women, and non-binary, inter* and trans* folks, drives our work.
We believe the way people are supported during the child-bearing cycle, the way that their wishes are respected and their bodies are treated, informs how they heal, grow and parent. People don't have to have a specific kind of birth in order to have a good experience! But we think that one key to an empowering birth is self-determination. We want birthing people to feel confident and supported in making decisions about their care.
We have chosen to work together in a collective structure because this form of partnership best supports our group needs. We want to to share work, skills and responsibility with each other as free from hierarchy as possible. In the workload we choose together, we are able to prioritize our own health, boundaries, and work/private-life balance. We do this because we believe we are best able to support our clients when we ourselves are well.
It is our goal as midwives*, both in our work with each other and with our clients, to practice based on respect, equity, and the best current scientific evidence. We want to learn from our clients the best way to support them as individuals in a way that focuses on their agency, and their unique needs and resources.
We are happy to work with people regardless of their gender or sexual identity or family constellation. Everyone is welcome, whether you're trans*, cis, straight or queer!