Links and Resources
Here we've complied a list of resources that we think may be helpful to people navigating pregnancy, birth, and parenthood. Most of the resources are in English, some in German.
We're always adding things to this list, so check back regularly!
We assume no liability for the content of external links, for which their operators
are exclusively responsible.
Important / Current Birth and Health Events
Support Casa Kuà! Casa
Kuà is a trans* inter* queer* community and health center in Kreuzberg,
Berlin. This place is organized by trans* and non binary BIPoCs to make
health more accessible to other trans*, inter* non binary and queer
people, especially those affected by racism. Support by contributing time, money or materials if you can: Crowdfunding Campaign Video about the project
New Flyer and Info about the open gender marker option for babies : How is a gender marker determined? In Germany, there are four ways to
determine the sex of a child in the birth
certificate: female, male, diverse,
and an open gender marker entry. The current common practice is
that midwives* or doctors enter a gender marker directly after the
birth in the birth announcement. In the vast
majority of cases, the genitalia of the child are indicated as
"clearly male" or "clearly female" and the sex is determined on the basis
of these characteristics.
It is indisputable that sex is more complex than this and
cannot be determined conclusively by
phenotype. Thus chromosomal, hormonal and / or social sex may
differ from the genital sex from the outset, or one or more sex characteristics
may change in the course of life.
By looking at the
external genitalia of a newborn child alone, the sex cannot be determined unambiguously and conclusively. Leaving the
sex entry open at birth is therefore medically well justifiable.
Our sibling Teams elsewhere in Germany
- https://www.hebammenkollektivhamburg.de/
Studies and Resources on Birth/Homebirth
- Documentary about home birth in the US: "Why not Home? The surprising birth choices of doctors and nurses"
- Planned home birth: benefits, risks, and opportunities
- Evidence Based Birth - What is Home Birth
- Qualitätsbericht der außerklinischen Geburtshilfe in Deutschland im Auftrag von QUAG (Gesellschaft für Qualität in der außerklinischen Geburtshilfe e.V.)
- Labor Support
- Cochrane Reviews on Pregnancy and Childbirth
- Evidence-Based Maternity Care: What It Is and What It Can Achieve
Confronting Racism and Injustice in Birth Care
Trans, Non-Binary and Queer Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum Resources
- Trans/Masculine and Non-Binary People Negotiating Conception
- How to support trans men and non-binary folks going through pregnancy
- Trans Women Can Breastfeed - Here's How
- Pregnancy Loss and Gender
- Trans Pregnancy - The Importance of Centering Experience
Deviant Mamas: Queer Femme Conception and Pregnancy Beyond the Techno-Medical Birth Model
- Project "Trans Pregnancy" of the University of Leeds, UK
- Book: Queer Nursing (Liesel Burisch)
- Queer Doula Toolkit
- Trans Schwangerschaft - Artikel des Gunda Werner Instituts
Studie: Queer und schwanger: Wie kommen wir zu einer guten Gesundheitsversorgung für alle?
- Policy Paper Queer und schwanger
Doulas we recommend:
- Jessica Aman: Death Doula/ Sterbeamme und Trauerbegleiterin.
- Jes Walsch: Full spectrum Doula, queer and trans* friendly/specialized doula and birth photographer, also offers care to families experiencing miscarriage or abortion
- Kemoy: Full spectrum Doula and Yoga guide. "I am a Black, Queer, Cis Woman and... I aim to support other Queer and/or Black, Indigenous and People of Color through pregnacy, childbirth and beyond."
- Gem Kocher: Full spectrum queer-feminist Doula and trained lactation consultant - check out the extensive resources linked throughout their website.
- Camalo Gaskin: Full spectrum Doula, Bodyworker, Educator. Queer and Trans* friendly. Camalo also teaches regular doula immersion courses for folks interested in this path
- About doulas and homebirth:
Homebirth: Do I Need a Doula?
Top 6 Reasons to Have a Doula at your Home Birth or Birth Center Birth